Donate for Islah Campus
With the Grace of Allah, Islah Public School has grown and to meet all current and future needs, we have decided to built our own campus. We will now be moving forward with the Help of Allah in building a Girls and a Boys section with Academic and Technical facilities. Your help is required in making this possible:
School has already purchased 1,200 Sq. Metre plot for PKR 39.2M on which a well equipped campus is being built, In-sha-Allah. Work on the first Academic Block started on 14th August 2020 and was completed (except for the exterior finish) in October 2021 at a cost of almost PKR 14.5M.
Now it is time for the construction of the Main Block (Block 2). Construction started in June 2022, and inshaAllah an estimated PKR 46.3M will be required. We request for your donations and support. For more details and alternate payment methods, check the below mentioned details.
Following is what more we have to raise and what we have achieved:
Target to Achieve: PKR 100,000,000
Collected so far: PKR 94,034,500
Mishkat Blog
Ramadan Ration 202512th Feb, 2025

Alhamdulillah target has been achieved!
You can send your contribution through the following bank account:
Account Title: Mishkat Welfare Trust
Account Number: 0010-0024-4995-0047
IBAN PK43 ABPA 0010 0024 4995 0047
Bank: Allied Bank Limited.
Branch: Gulzar-e-Quaid, RWP.
Branch Code: 0059
Please confirm your contributions on email or the contact numbers provided.
Turkiye Syria Earthquake Appeal08th Feb, 2023
One of the most powerful earthquake has hit the region and affected thousands of lives in Turkiye, Syria and surroundings. More than 14,000 people have lost their lives and several thousands are injured. Buildings have collapsed and lives have been disturbed after the catastrophic earthquake.
Help one another in acts of piety and righteousness. And do not assist each other in acts of sinfulness and transgression. And be aware of Allah. Verily, Allah is severe in punishment (Holy Quran 5:2)

Helping each other is a way to overcome the grief that others feel in distressed times. As Muslims, we feel the pain that our fellow muslims are going through and we extend our help and complete support to the a ected souls.
Mishkat Welfare Trust is collaborating with Al-Khidmat Foundation to help the affected people in Turkey and Syria. We are collecting donations for the earthquake victims and sharing with Al-Khidmat Foundation who is involved in relief efforts for the people in Turkiye and Syria. Please come forward and donate as much as you can to help our fellow muslims in this distressful time.
May ALLAH SWT accept what little we do and keep us steadfast on this religion. Ameen
Give charity without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity. (Al-Tirmidhi)
Fun Fabulous Friday24th Jan, 2023
Fun Fabulous Friday activity is arranged by Mishkat Welfare Trust for young boys. Every Friday, interactive sessions are conducted where we provide guidance by telling the kids inspirational stories, having interactive discussions and playing games. Our aim is to connect our youth with Quran and Sunnah in a fun and interactive way.

In today’s world, our youth is majorly attracted by the social media, online games and other platforms. These activities impact the physical and mental health of kids and its very important to groom them. In each session, a different topic is discussed with the boys in a creative way by playing games and having Q&A activities. These sessions are open for all boys within the age 11 to 14 and we encourage everyone to join. May Allah (s.w.t) guide our youth towards the right path. Ameen!
About Us
When Mishkat Welfare Trust was established in 2008, it was because we recognized the responsibility of the Muslim Ummah towards our youth. We were alarmed at the state of our schools where morality has become nothing but a myth. Today's student needs to be nourished not only in mind, body but also in spirit. We believe that we need to provide opportunities for children to become self-directed, lifelong learners and help them to develop their social, emotional and physical potential in a respectful and nurturing environment with integrated Islamic values.
Therefore, two schools emerged under this trust; Olives and Islah. These schools keep in focus the guidelines given in the Quran and Sunnah and implement them in the classrooms.
Mishkat Welfare Trust is also active in relief work for natural disasters that may occur in our country such as earthquakes and the recent flood. This is handled separately as need arises.
Mishkat Membership
You can become a member of Mishkat Welfare Trust by filling out a simple information form and monthly donations. You can also volunteer to become an active member by contributing through your skills and ideas.
Besides becoming a member, you can also give a one time donation.
We also accept Zakat money which will only be spent on the deserving people and not in the expenditure of the Trust.
Hear from them
I am a rickshaw driver who after a long days work would hardly save PKR 500 for my family as I had to give daily rent to owner of the rickshaw. Mishkat Welfare Trust gifted me a brand new rickshaw and Alhamdulillah now I am able to multiple my income and support my children's education also.